Your tax-deductible contribution is gratefully appreciated. For the major part of our funding, we rely on the generous donations of individuals. Our organization is run entirely by volunteers. Your donation primarily supports the performing musicians.
Please print out this form and submit with your donation. Thank you!
........................................................ South Bay Chamber Music Society P.O. Box 2313 Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274 I (We) wish to support the current concert season of the South Bay Chamber Music Society with a tax-deductible contribution in the category checked below: [ ] Gold Circle $1000 and up [ ] Guarantor $100 [ ] Advocate $500 [ ] Patron $50 [ ] Benefactor $250 Name(s) (as you would like to be listed in the program) Address City Zip Telephone E-Mail ........................................................
SBCMS is supported in part by the
Los Angeles
Board of Supervisors through the
Los Angeles County Arts Commission

and by
The City of Los Angeles Department
Of Cultural Affairs

Gold Circle
Patrick D. Garvey and Geneva Martin
Gary and Mary Gordon
Judy Mishkin
Julie and Stephen Paterson
Roger and Carol Schamp
John W. Burnett
Robert and Donna Francis
Joanna and Michael Heim
Jan and Jerald Simon
John Williams
Georgeann Wyatt
Louise Allison
Gabriel Berghouse and Vicki Stone
Antoinette Crichton and Rod Raynovich
Diana Cutler
Marlene and Everett Emerson
Evan and Dorothy Hazelton
Linda Jenson
Tom and Faith Lyons
William Mah
Lois McFarland
Karen and John McMahon
Brenda and Michael McNamara
Jim and Robin Paterson
Donald and Patricia Range
Cantor and Mrs. Stephen Richards
Sandy and Michael Sherman
Ron Smith
June and John Uharriet
Tom and Edie Van Huss
Evalee Weiss
Wendy Wolf and Mike Wheeler
Janet Ashley
Steve and Cindy Bandel
Melinda Barth
Dr. Rainer and Nancy Beck
Berta Bilezikjian and Richard Yee
Ruth Bloland
Claudette G. Bowie
Heather and Thomas Callow
Dorie and Brooks Chadwick
Morton Civen
Don Croley
Alison Davis
Harry and Valerie Donahue
Lee W. Dorsey
Dr. Richard and Gail Effros
Margareta and Ray Ericksen
Judith Farmer and Gernot Wolfgang
Kathleen Fitzgerald
William Funkey
Richard Gerber
Mark Goldberg
Katharine Gross
Delores Harralson
Gary and Lee Ann Hart
Joanne and Ralph Iwens in memory of Michael G. Ryan
Robert Johnson and Linda Klein
Dale Karls and Diana Weatherly
Masao Katsumata
Rachelle Katz
Bill Knipps
Yasuhiko and Cleo Komorita
William and Emily Lacina
Peter Landecker and Sue Cutler
Rosemary Leake
Peter Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lucy
Bill and Mary Malcolm
Beth Marquardt
Carlos Marques
Karol McQueary
Memory of Ben and Robert Brytan
Burckhard Mohr
Lorraine Mone
Patrick and Leticia Moran
Donna Morton
Dagmar and Samuel Muthamia
Michael and Gerri Oshry
Andrew Paroczai and Margaret Paul
Toni and Scott Pinsky
Quentin and Helene Pizzini
Shelley and Ben Pogorelsky
David Quadhamer
Gail Ruder
Eva and Michael Schulz
Judy and Jim Scott
Conrad and Gail Siegel
Carla and Doug Smith
Philip and Lynn Solomita
Kyung and Hoon Song
Michael and Julie Sulman
Tavetian family
Jean Tordella
Mary Toth
Mr. Detlev L. Werk Sr.
Milford G. Wyman
Terri and Lawrence Zinkiewicz
Stephen Beach
David Behr
Pamela Bleich
Janice Brennan
Chris Brooks
David Brown and Jill Conway
Naresh and Susan Deo
Dietz Brothers Music
Robert G. Dye
Dr. G. Eng and S. Dreifuss
Sue Fishman
Dorothy Fitzgerald
Barbara and Burt Glazer
Penny Good
Doris Granata
Margaret Gross
Lew Holzman, MD
Stanley Howard
Eric Johnson and Sherrilyn January
Dale Keyser
Jim and Pat Mack
McJones Family
Jess Morton
Margery Norris
Dean Obray
Patt Parker
Judy Shaffer
Audrey Kraake-Suer
Laurel Telfer
John and Doriane Tippet
Els Tulman
Drs. Kenneth Ungar and Jan Keller-Ungar
Lynn and Kerry White
Lois Whitener